We’ve all seen it, whether on TV or while sitting in a restaurant, those drinks look just like summer. They have a refreshing, quenching look that makes them very attractive to the eyes and most of those I have tried have a similar interest in taste buds. What gives them that summer look and charm? I believe fresh fruit and green herbs float in the icy liquid. So what is needed to create those summer recipes for your next summer meeting or easy cooking?

An ingredient in many beverage recipes is a simple syrup. Make your own simple syrup and garnish it with fresh herbs. Like adding herbs to oil or vinegar you can add simple syrup. It is quick and easy to make and your simple spicy syrup will not only be used in your favorite summer drink recipes but can also be used to make tea delicious.

Simple (spicy) recipe for syrup:

2 cups sugar (or baking quality synthetic sweetener)
2 cups of water
Remedy preferred (1 cup of Basil or Mint or Lemon Verbena or 3 sprigs of Rosemary are some of the options)
Tip: Use a few herbs when choosing strong flavors, such as rosemary.


Combine sugar and herbs; use a muddler to grind vegetables into sugar. This loosens the oil in the herbs and gives the flavor of the syrup. In a saucepan, mix the water and sugar / vegetable mixture, bring to a boil and stir until the sugar has dissolved. Allow the syrup to cool and press. Your simple syrup can now be refrigerated and stored for up to a month.

Many recipes for summer drinks can be made with or without alcohol so that the recipes can be used to satisfy all your guests. The classic recipes for a few drinks are expensive but I have tried many of them without them and they are still very tasty. Have you tried a non-alcoholic Mojito? It just shines mint limeade and is really delicious. You can adjust any cooking methods by not adding or subtracting alcohol.

Basil Lemonade:

2 cups lemon juice (about 15 lemons if you squeeze fresh)
2 cups Basil Simple Syrup
Water or pure water to taste (start with 2 cups and add more if needed)

Combine ingredients and refrigerate. Serve over ice and garnish with basil leaves and lemon twist.


6 tablespoons lime juice (approximately 1 lime when squeezing fresh)
8 large mint leaves
4 tablespoons sugar
2-3 ounces of light rum
Club soda

In a glass, mix mint leaves, sugar and lime juice with a muddler. (Mint simple syrup can be used instead of sugar and mint leaves - start with 4 tablespoons and add more until desired.) Add ice, rum, club soda and garnish with fresh mint leaves.

Tip: Change your mojito by adding fruit. Combine fresh fruit puree (strawberries, melon, etc.) using a food processor to reduce the fruit to pulp, squeezing out any large pieces of fruit left over. Combine fruit puree with other ingredients before adding club soda.

Herb Soda:

3-4 tablespoons Simple Syrup with the solution of your choice (see recipe)
Fresh herbal teas or decorative sprigs
Lemon juice
Pure water or club soda

Fill the mirrors with snow; add lemon juice, simple syrup and club soda (or pure water) and stir. Add new herbs to decorate.

So now you know what to do to wow your guests with attractive and delicious summer drinks recipes. Make art and create your own by combining some of these recipes and tips with your own.

#recipes #summerdrinkrecipes #drinkrecipes

10 Easy summer drink recipes

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