Just played the slot machine twice from my hotel room in Bali. Nice, those extra power-ups.
I see that it is also very strict now, those 24 hours after your previous publication. Fortunately, a shield was automatically activated. With the hours and time difference, it was impossible for me to publish earlier, so the streak was saved today !
Ik weet niet of ik het goed begrijp, had gister geloof ik mijn eerste twee funmachinedraaien, maar kreeg er twee powerups voor terug, misschien heb ik het fout gedaan hoor, ben niet zo handig in die dingen. Bekijk het eerst even rustig aan. De dag duurt tenslotte één uur korter vandaag
I see that it is also very strict now, those 24 hours after your previous publication. Fortunately, a shield was automatically activated. With the hours and time difference, it was impossible for me to publish earlier, so the streak was saved today !