Calling upon Devine temperance to guide verses about to be written,
making a promise or a prophecy,
a wave of wind, it's color and sound -
now is the time!

The story is unraveled by the power of the Seven-
Earth and Heaven and all sides four
- heart as a compass that's headed North as a multidimensional soul -
plus brave poet following crumbles of light spread all over the timeline
chasing excitement and angels' laugh -
intergalactic shaman in now.  

Peace Dowe making a promise with rainbow and stardust,
promise shaped in the mud like harmony prophecy,
magically adding perfect and synchronicities realized,
prepare Yourself for receiving with that same heart -
North that shows many forms of Love
and one condor golden flight.

Love will always have the final laughter anytime anywhere -
that's the promise we intend to keep -
theatre show with reflectors in now, collecting tears
that will make paradise.

Dreams and ideas, wonders, what else is there?
Golden wings and one Child's prophecy after jaguar roar,
laughter and joy chased on the sky,
oh, with angels' help,
"There's no obstacle that high, I can tell by the look in the Childs' eyes" -
said the hummingbird inside while grabbing the warmth of the south -
I love you White magic of life!


Love will always have the final laughter - promise