Some people are firm in their belief that certain types of books are inappropriate, even offensive, and therefore should be banned. This is something that happens a lot in the United States.

Others maintain that all books should be available to everyone, and that readers themselves will then choose what to read or not. Parents, for example, should counsel their children instead of trying to exclude books.

It's a controversial topic that doesn't have a clear answer.
It was one of the themes in the book "Farenheit 451", by Ray Bradbury.

Where do we stop banning? Where do we draw the line?
History is full of examples of censorship.
Several valid works have been targeted as inappropriate.

On the other hand, books with highly dangerous content exist that should perhaps be destroyed.
And who is impartial enough to judge if a book is appropriate or not? Is it possible for someone to be completely free from personal beliefs?
Maybe an AI should do it? But then again, computers are programmed by people.

What are your thoughts?
#qa #books #banbooks #censorship

Should certain books be banned from schools and libraries?

Should certain books be banned from schools and libraries?

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