#news A Florida resident family were celebrating the sixth birthday of one of their daughters. So they decided to make meat fajitas.

After an hour the family members began to feel “weird” one by one, as if the world was spinning around him, and their young children began to hallucinate.

Jessica Rosado, the mother of the children, who by the way was also pregnant at that time, decided to take them all to the hospital, fearing that they had been poisoned.

Arriving at the hospital, the family was completely puzzled, as if they were in “another world”. After some examinations, they realized that the meat they used for fajitas had been contaminated with LSD and that what they had was the effects of the drug.

But it doesn't end here Remember when I told you that Jessica Rosado was pregnant?

Well, the effects of the drug caused her to break water, so she had to give birth in the hospital while she was completely drugged.

I think they should make a film of all this. Police are still investigating how it is possible that a meat had LSD.

Font https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/family-eats-lsd-tainted-meat-goes-home-new-brother-n47476

Photograph taken from pixabay

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